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Kankakee Recycling is a fully licensed clean construction and demolition debris (CCDD) fill and recycling site dedicated to providing a location for the Northern Illinois Construction Industry to both dispose demolition debris and collect RR1 and CA6 construction grade aggregate.

Kankakee Recycling accepts uncontaminated concrete, bricks, rocks, stones and asphalt generated from construction and demolition activities, which is then crushed and converted into CS1 and CA6 Materials for backfill and roadbeds.

How Does Illinois Encourage the Use of Recycled Materials?

In Illinois, the use of recycled aggregate for road and other construction is highly encouraged. The state has set guidelines and standards for the use of recycled materials in infrastructure projects. These guidelines include testing, specification, and quality control measures to ensure that the recycled materials are suitable for their intended use.

Illinois also offers financial incentives for the use of recycled aggregate. For instance, the state provides grants and loans to businesses and contractors who use recycled materials in their projects. This encourages the use of recycled materials, as it reduces the cost of construction.

One of the notable initiatives in Illinois is the Illinois Department of Transportation's (IDOT) "Greenbook." The Greenbook is a set of guidelines for the use of recycled materials in transportation infrastructure projects, including roads, bridges, and airports. The Greenbook provides standard specifications and technical notes for the use of recycled materials, including aggregate, asphalt, and concrete.

Moreover, the state has collaborated with local associations and organizations to raise awareness about the benefits of using recycled materials. The Illinois Recycling Association, for instance, promotes the use of recycled materials to reduce the impact of waste on the environment. The association encourages businesses to adopt sustainable practices, including the use of recycled aggregate.

The state has also established partnerships between waste management facilities and construction companies. These partnerships enable waste management facilities to supply recycled materials to construction companies, making it easier for contractors to access recycled materials.

Finally, Illinois encourages the use of recycled aggregate for road and other construction through financial incentives, guidelines and standards, partnerships, and collaboration. The use of recycled materials not only helps reduce construction costs but also promotes sustainability and environmental protection. Therefore, encouraging the use of recycled materials in Illinois is beneficial for both the construction industry and the environment.

See these additional articles and studies on the use of Recycled Aggregates in Construction:

Illinois DOT Report on the Utilization of Recycled Materials in Highway Construction for 2001

According to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s (IEPA) 2000 Annual Landfill Capacity Report “as of Jan. 1, 2001, 53 landfills reported having a combined remaining capacity of 743.4 million gate cubic yards, or 49.3 million gate cubic yards less than on Jan. 1, 2000, a decrease of 6.2 percent.” Also, at current waste generation rates “landfill life expectancy in Illinois [is] 15 years barring capacity adjustments.” As waste continues to accumulate and availability and capacity of landfill spaces diminish, agencies are increasing application and use of recycled materials in highway construction. [read more...]

Report on the Utilization of Reclaimed and Recycled Materials Used in the Construction of Illinois Highways for 2009

The Illinois Department of Transportation published Physical Research Report 142, “Utilization of Recycled Materials in Illinois Highway Construction” in 2002. The 2002 report provided the types and quantities of recycled materials used by the Department in highway construction. This report is a revised version of the previously titled report. Revisions include updated quantities, costs, and current applications. Material quantities are from calendar year 2009 to ensure complete quantities were reported. Quantities of materials used can vary greatly and are dependent upon the type of projects being constructed in a given year and the size of the highway program. [read more...]

Illinois Center for Transportation: Illinois DOT Highway Materials Sustainability Efforts of 2013

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) has many years of experience using a variety of reclaimed and recycled materials in highway construction. Major material use in highway construction is in the form of aggregates, concrete, and hot-mix asphalt (HMA). It should be no surprise that reclaimed and recycled material use is aligned with usage of these basic construction materials. This report presents the quantity of materials used in 2013, along with specific reporting as required in Illinois Public Act 097-0314. Specific reporting on use of shingles, along with efforts to reduce the carbon footprint and to achieve [read more...]

What Demo Materials Will Kankakee Recycling Accept?

reclaimed concrete from demolition
Concrete Demo Debris
concrete block debris
Block Demo Debris
brick work from demolition sites
Brick Demo Debris
reclaimed asphalt from roadwork
Reclaimed Asphalt
Excavation Rock